Author Archive

  • Super Bowl: The Worst Coaches To Win Had the Right Team at the Right Time

    Being labeled the worst coach to win a Super Bowl is like being told that your girlfriend is the ugliest Playmate of the month. A win is a win and the ring, after all, is the thing.  Still it seems some coaches stumbled into Super Bowl wins by t

  • Betting On NFL Championship Sunday: Do Dogs Have Their Day?

    "This is a league of Shetland ponies- it's not Kentucky Derby horses we are talking about." Chicago Bear Hall of Fame defensive tackle Dan Hampton, in USA Today Sports Weekly, on NFL parity and the playoffs.   Parity has leveled the land of the

  • The NFL’s Worst Teams: The Sad Sack 7, Halloween Edition

    In Invasion of the Body Snatchers, vicious wee pods rain onto Earth and seize the souls and minds of doomed earthlings. The pods eat individuality and crush creativity. The pods leave like RP McMurphy after Nurse Ratched and the gang lobotomized

  • The NFL’s Worst Of Week 7: The Sad Sack Seven

    Whispers are Brett Favre is planning yet another press conference filled with man tears, moans, regrets, and retirement chatter. It seems this time though the aging signal caller will be announcing the retirement of his penis and blaming its publicit

  • The NFL’s Worst Teams Week 5: The Sad Sack Seven

    If the NFL has a long lockout next year, maybe the fan's will think it's just a long officials review followed by a television timeout. Maybe Mike Pereira, the NFL's parrot, can pop on everyone screens during the lockout and bird bark the offici

  • The NFL’s Worst: The Sad Sack Seven

    The NFL fires out of the gate this Thor's day night.. Some things, say Daniel Snyder and the Chicago Bears, never seem to change much. If teams tank early this year, and blackouts abound in the far-flung ends of the NFL realm, look for some owners to

  • The NFL’s Ten Worst Off-Seasons

    Some teams seem to have eternally bad off-seasons and constantly terrible regular seasons. Maybe the Saints singing their victory song will change all that. Maybe the sad song for some teams will not remain the same. A new day might dawn in Detroit

  • Why The Chicago Bears Are Still Bad News

    Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.  ~Philip K. Dick   Hopes are high, high, high in sweet home Chicago but expect reality to bite the Bears badly as usual. Since their last Super Bowl appearance, the Be

  • The Ten Worst Run NFL Franchises

    In the NFL the owners ask a lot of the fans. The personal seat licenses extortion, ten buck beers, seven buck hot dogs, six buck sodas, full priced exhibition game tickets, twenty five buck Made in China team caps, seventy five dollar made in Indon



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